Saturday, August 27, 2016

Take Me To Church

This was the first Sabbath of the trip. We went to a Seventh-Day Adventist church here in Kuching and it just so happens to be the same church that our teacher, Dr. Perumal, went to when he was growing up here. This church was actually a lot of fun and the people were so friendly. We started off the service at 9:15 AM. They played a couple of songs and then two of my fellow classmates gave some testimonies. Then we sectioned off to another classroom and played a bible game with the people in our age group that went to that church. After that we all congregated back in the main church and listened to one of my classmates, Jonathan Mamora, play the piano. I usually wouldn't mention that in my blog, but I feel like I have to because that piece of music blew me away. Then Dr. Perumal gave a sermon about the prodigal son and more importantly about grace. Once he finished, my whole class got up on the stage and we sang "Jesus Paid It All" to the church. It was like choir all over again! Fortunately, we got to eat after that and we had a huge potluck and it was probably the biggest potluck that I have ever eaten at. I ate more there than I did for any other meal on this trip. I think there's something about homemade food that I enjoyed. During the potluck I got up to throw away some trash and instead of putting it in the trashcan, I shot it like a basketball. It must have been a windy day because I missed pretty bad and all I heard was a little kid laughing at me. I let him try and he made it his first try, so I guess he had the right to laugh. I started talking to him about basketball and we just talked for the rest of the time after that. His name is Cyprin and he is 13 years old and he made that whole church experience a lot more memorable for me. We ended up leaving the church at 2:00 PM, although it didn't feel like we were there for four hours.


When we got back from church we had a four hour break, so I took a nice sabbath nap and got to watch a little bit of Netflix which was much needed for me. We met at 6:00 PM to go to dinner on a rooftop. This place was really cool and the food was good too. Although, it didn't really compare to the homemade food we had for lunch. I was feeling adventurous tonight so I decided to try the fish,  which is something I have kind of been avoiding the whole week. The fish was surprisingly really good as well.


We have free time for the rest of the night, but there isn't much to do here. So some friends are coming over and we're going to play cards for the rest of the night. All in all it was a very relaxing Sabbath here in Kuching.

Sal Puma

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