Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hello Again Singapore

Today we're leaving Malaysia and returning to Singapore for the last day of our trip. We traveled by bus again and it was a 4 hour ride. We had to go through customs and this was the first time I experienced discrimination. For some reason they chose me for a "random screening". They pulled me aside and thoroughly checked my bag, they even opened and checked the bag inside of my bag. They took out literally everything from Lysol spray to a box of tic tacs and thoroughly examined it. It definitely got on my nerves. Once we arrived at our hotel in Singapore it was better though. Our last day was all free time, so everything I did, I had to pay for myself. Since we had a lot planned for today, I had to exchange some money for the first time on this trip. I thought that exchanging $80 dollars would be enough, but I was still cutting it close. The first place we went to was an aquarium, but not just any aquarium. We were informed that it was one of the biggest in the world, so I was pretty disappointed when I got there to find out that it's not. Actually, it's one of the top 3 aquariums in Asia, so that's pretty cool I guess. Once I got over my initial disappointment, it was actually a really fun place. They had one tank that was huge! They had so many fish and sharks. They even had one shark that's indigenous to Asia, so I have never even seen, let alone heard of the Bowmouth Guitarfish. The Bowmouth Guitarfish looks like a mix between a stingray and a shark and I never knew that mix could look so good. 

After the aquarium we walked to the beach. Even though I couldn't get fully it, I did put my feet in. So technically I've been inside the Indian Ocean. 

We didn't stay there for too long though because what my group of friends really wanted to do was walk across the tree bridge in Gardens by the Bay. We wanted to do it the first time that we went to Gardens by the Bay, but we couldn't fit it in our schedule last time. This place was awesome! Even though it wasn't the highest thing we've been on all trip, the view was definitely one of the best. 

After that we ate and then went to the famous Singapore Flyer. It's basically a giant Ferris wheel, except flyer's have enclosed sitting areas. In total the whole ride was about 40 minutes. The view from up there was incredible too. The picture really doesn't do it justice. 

Seeing views like this is what really inspires me to actually get out and do things. Usually I'm the type of person who would rather stay at home than go out, but this whole trip has really changed my perspective. Although I've had the time of my life on this trip, I am definitely ready to go home tomorrow. I can't wait to see my family at least for a little bit before I get back on another plane to Honduras for 10 months. I'm very excited for tomorrow.

Sal Puma

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