Saturday, September 3, 2016

Not A Restful Sabbath

We left the hotel this morning at 8:30 AM in order to make it to church on time. I really liked the service this time because it was a pretty nice church. I also really enjoyed the people because they were very friendly and for the most part their English was the best I've heard since I've been on this trip. 

After the service we got on the bus and drove through the "Penang Beverly Hills". The houses here were so nice! Sue said that they cost millions of ringgit to purchase, so only the elite live in this area. Unfortunately we weren't able to stop to take pictures because we are going to the botanical garden. The other names of this place are the monkey garden and the waterfall garden. Although we didn't see any waterfalls, we did saw a ton of monkeys. You could see monkeys everywhere, either in the trees or just walking on the ground. We even found a mischievous one that was digging through the trash. However, I do wish that the monkeys were a bit more friendly. When any of us got to close they would hiss and charge at us. So that made me a little nervous about trying to take pictures. But overall I really enjoyed walking through the beautiful garden and seeing the little monkeys in their somewhat natural habitat. 

After the park we went back to the church to have another potluck. This one was really fun too because there were a lot more locals our age that spoke really good English. Everybody was really friendly and I got into a lot of conversations. Usually I'm not a social person, but it felt really easy for me to hold a conversation which is new for me. Not to mention that the homemade food was amazing too. After the potluck we went to the biggest Buddhist temple in all of Malaysia. This temple was astonishing. When we were first walking up it looked a little dirty, but then once we saw the view my jaw dropped. It always amazes me how green the hills are here. We went all the way up to the top, even though my shirt was drenched by the time we were done, it was worth it.


After the Buddhist temple we visited Penang Hill. We took a trolley type thing all the way up the hill which was 2,330 feet high. It was moving pretty fast so we got up the hill in about 5 to 10 minutes. The view from up there was breathtaking. 

While up there we went to another mosque and another Hindu temple. They were cool, but really the only thing special about them is that they were at the top of Penang Hill. There was also a love bridge there and I didn't even knew they had those outside of Paris. We had an hour to kill up there so me and some friends went exploring the jungle in search of monkeys. Sadly, we didn't find any. But on the bright side, we did get some pretty cool pictures!

Once we came back down the hill we got back in the bus and drove around for an hour before getting to the restaurant to eat. It was the first all vegetarian place we went to. It was pretty good for vegetarian food, but definitely not my favorite meal of the trip. After dinner we finally headed back to the hotel at 9:00 PM. We have to wake up early tomorrow because we are traveling to KL. Goodnight and goodbye Penang! 

Sal Puma

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